



Excel is a proprietary spreadsheet program: it is part of Microsoft Office and has been developed since 1987. It was first released in 1985 as an add-in to the Microsoft Plus Pack for Excel before becoming a standalone product.

Excel’s first version had been written using basic code, like that found in a calculator application. Subsequent versions were large improvements over the original, introducing new features and tools that allow for more powerful computation without requiring any knowledge of programming language or coding. Changes to the data are immediately reflected on screen without having to be entered twice by manually editing; formulas can also be recalculated automatically when information is updated, or changes are made manually elsewhere within the spreadsheet. Workbooks can have unlimited pages; if a spreadsheet is stored in a file on disk, it can be reopened into the same version of Excel with no loss of work.

Excel was originally developed by Microsoft. It has since been extended and improved by third parties, which make their own versions of the product. Some Excel add-ins are available from non-Microsoft sources, but they are not compatible with published Microsoft Office applications. The most popular open technical standards for Excel are OpenOffice’s Calc (Calculate), LibreOffice’s Draw (Draw) and Apache OpenOffice’s Impress (Impress). Several related tools and tasks can be performed using Excel without its core features.

Excel’s standard template is the workbook. These are saved in the user’s Documents directory and thus portable between computers. Data can be saved directly into a spreadsheet without templates. This is especially useful for storing data in long-term storage such as databases or word processors, as well as quickly applying basic calculations to large amounts of data.

Excel has many tools available as program modules (which may be loaded on-demand as needed), or as menu items under the File menu, depending on the version of Excel used. The most basic module is Calc, which can perform arithmetic operations; it also has built-in functions such as sin (), cos () and log (). More sophisticated tools are available, such as the Charting module, which allows for the creation of spreadsheet charts.

Excel can create and modify tables: data can be arranged in columns, and rows can be used to organize their data. It also has data management tools, such as importing and exporting data from other spreadsheets or databases. Users may create macros using VBA, which automate frequently performed tasks. These macros are often referred to as ‘VBA scripts.’ By creating a macro that runs automatically when certain conditions are met (like opening a certain file or changing data), administrators can evaluate spreadsheet programs on a large scale with minimal effort.

Excel has several tools which enable workbooks to be used as databases. Data may be imported and linked, at which point it is treated like any other dataset, although it does not become…

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